Learning and development related to trauma and the nervous system

Trauma Geek Nervous System Study Group - more notes to come


The NZ Trauma Conference 2024 - Bessel van der Kolk

  • See blog post for summary

  • Useful and interesting day. Emphasis on somatic aspects and resourcing before doing trauma processing. Relevant for my work.

Deb Dana and Grief

  • Summary: Being informed by the nervous system in the grief process, listening to it’s cues, notice name and normalise nervous system shifts; Grief is not a straight line, the nervous system is trying to find a way back to feeling safe, connected and regulated enough; Neuroceptive cues, shifting between states; glimmers

  • Reflection: really engaging talk and a new way for me to think about grief from a nervous system perspective. It was useful to think about being present and curious, listening to your body’s signals, understanding the states to be able to have self-compassion and having limited capacity. Concepts that I can use in practice to support clients, whether the grief process is about a loss or about a new diagnosis

Trauma-Sensitive Practice - Relationship Matters, Kim Barthel

  • Just starting this online course

  • Module 1: The Impact of Trauma on Development


Reading List 2024

